Yet Another Way of Sharing the Pie: An Afternoon with Alternative Economies
Participants: Brud (Warsaw), Kathrin Böhm / Company (London), Pekko Koskinen / Robin Hood Fund (Helsinki), Georgios Papadopolous and Matthias Tarasewicz / Artistic Technology Lab (Vienna), Aleka Polis and Piotr Bujak / Rob Art Cooperative (Warsaw), Kate Rich / Feral Trade (Bristol), Lise Skou / Exchange Library (Aarhus)
Saturday, April 9, 4PM – 8.30PM
Auditorium, Open Office, and Workshop of the Emilia pavilion
Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Emilii Plater 51, Warsaw
On Saturday afternoon, the exhibition Making Use will host experiments at the intersection of art and economy. Our invited guests will talk about artistic practices that both undermine commonly accepted economic rules and broaden our economic imagination. The guests will ask what would happen if the principles of these alternative economies were applied everywhere in our daily lives, in a “do it yourself” and “use it together” way.
The Brud collective will discuss Kurz, or, The Fold, an analog, paper-based crypto-incentive, deconstructing the blockchain ledger and replacing it with archetypal book-forms.
Aleka Polis and Piotr Bujak will discuss their new artistic cooperative, established recently in Warsaw, the business model of which operates in the spirit of occupational realism, fusing together artistic performance and maintenance services.
Robin Hood Fund will present their investment strategy: the use of a hacked algorithm to invest surpluses on capital markets that are then redistributed to emancipatory cultural-political projects.
Kate Rich will explain the mechanics behind the Bristol-based Feral Trade network: how interpersonal contact networks are used to ship grocery items around the world (our coffee for the Making Use exhibition was shipped from Mexico using the network).
Lise Skou will walk us through the Exchange Library project based in Aarhus, Denmark. The Exchange Library enables the bartering of goods and the rental of numerous useful devices, through a small subscription.
Georgios Papadopoulos and Matthias Tarasewicz from the Vienna-based Artistic Technology Lab will give a lecture/performance on the aesthetic aspects of digital value-creating systems.
16.00 introduction by Kuba Szreder
16.15 Lise Skou / Exchange Library (Aarhus)
16.30 Kate Rich / Feral Trade (Bristol)
17.00 Pekko Koskinen / Robin Hood Fund (Helsinki)
17.30 Aleka Polis and Piotr Bujak / Rob Art Cooperative (Warsaw)
18.00 break
Lecture performances:
18.45 Brud (Warsaw) will present analogue crypto-currency the Fold
19.30 Georgios Papadopolous and Matthias Tarasewicz / Artistic Technology Lab (Vienna) will discuss the aesthetics of immaterial signifiers of value